ECITB Slinger Banksman
Course Outline:
To develop knowledge and understanding required to work competently and safely around lifting plant, attach loads and guide lifts as required.
Course objectives
Understand legislation relating to the role of slinger banksman and Approved code of practices applicable.
Able to explain the role of various lifting personnel including Appointed person and crane supervisor.
Understand the different communication methods
Describe different lifting equipment and accessories and their intended application.
Understand and define SWL and WLL.
Understand examination and inspection requirements under LOLER 1998.
Awareness of typical loads to be moved.
Describe SSOW including method statement and lift plan.
Explain typical content of a risk assessment.
Identify information within a lift plan.
Define lifting operation requirement's.
Describe the application for attaching and detaching lifting equipment.
Confirm load characteristics.
Selection of correct lifting equipment.
Under supervision carry out post lift completion checks.
Practical examination
Slinging of pipe bundles
Slinging of Load with certified lifting eyes
Slinging of a load with offset COG
The learner must also act as banksman using various communication methods
directing the operator to conduct various lifting operations.
Theory examination
A theory test of 30 multiple choice questions with 80% pass rate.
Course Duration:
✓ 2 days
Course cost
Price Available on Request
Bridgend, South Wales, Uk.
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